Working on ourself is never as simple as doing one kind of therapy, practice, or exercise. We are complex individuals and our support system must also be just as complex. Working with as many parts of our bodies, minds, feelings, and spirits is vital to our growth, expansion, development, and satisfaction.

We have listed (and will continue to add) a few resources you may find highly useful in your journey to a better and better you. Please engage them with your best wisdom as we do not guarantee that every resource is appropriate for every person*. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. If you have a suggestion for a resource you think would be a great addition to this list, use the form at the bottom of this page to submit it now.

*You are welcome to use these resources for your own benefit and at your own risk. Connexus Services, LLC assumes no responsibility or liability for the efficacy of these resources or the potential harm that may result from their use.